Contact Us
Whether you are visiting us for a live debate, a bite to eat at The Orator, or attending an event, our friendly team are always happy to help.
Get in touch
The Cambridge Union Society
9a Bridge Street
Cambridge CB2 1UB

How to find us:
From King’s Parade:
Walk down the street with the colleges on your left. Continue past Trinity College (Trinity Street) and on past St. John’s College (St. John’s Street). The street ends at a crossroads. Opposite, you should see the Round Church. Cross the road, and take the path to the right of the Round Church. The Union Society building is at the end of that path.
From Market Square:
Head across the square, away from Great St. Mary’s Church, and towards the left corner. Follow Market Street from that corner until it joins Sidney Street. Turn left down Sidney Street, and follow it past Sainsbury’s on your left, Patisserie Valerie on your right, and continue until you see the Round Church on your right. Turn right down the path just before the church. The Union Society building is at the end of that path.
From the Train Station:
Proceed down Station Road to the end. Turn right, following the signs for the city centre, and walk until you reach a large traffic junction adjacent to the Catholic Church. Cross this junction onto Regent Street, and continue straight ahead until you reach the pedestrianised zone at Lloyds Bank. Continue into the pedestrianised zone, taking the left fork when the road splits (Sidney Street, at Lloyds Bank). Continue down Sidney Street, and follow it past Sainsbury’s on your left, Patisserie Valerie on your right, and continue until you see the Round Church on your right. Turn right down the path just before the church. The Union Society building is at the end of that path.
From the Bus Station (Drummer Street):
Leave the bus station, turning right out of the station cul-de-sac. Follow this short street, Emmanuel St to the next junction, turning right into St. Andrews Street. Continue to the pedestrianised area, at the left fork when the road splits (Sidney Street, at Lloyds TSB Bank). Continue down Sidney Street, and follow it past Sainsbury’s on your left, Patisserie Valerie on your right, and continue until you see the Round Church on your right. Turn right down the path just before the church. The Union Society building is at the end of that path.
From Jesus Lane (Bus stop):
Head along Jesus Lane towards the City Centre. Continue to the end of the road (at a T-junction) and Patisserie Valerie. Turn right down Bridge Street and continue until you see the Round Church on your right. Turn right down the path just before the church. The Union Society building is at the end of that path.