From small beginnings
13th February 1815
Our great society was founded.
20th February 1815
First Debate Held.
24th March 1817
Proctors burst into the Union and suspend debates.
March 1821
Debates resume with restrictions.
26th November 1829
First debate against the Oxford Union.
Debating permitted with no restrictions.
Union moves from The Red Lion, Petty Cury, to The Hoop Inn, Bridge St.
Union moves from The Hoop Inn to a former Methodist chapel in Green St.
Lent 1850
First Jewish President elected (six years before Jews allowed to take their degrees).
Building fund established to construct premises of the Union's own.
Michaelmas 1862
First American President Elected.
4th June 1864
Foundation stone for Union building laid.
30th October 1866
Union Building officially opened.
Michaelmas 1882
First ethnic minority President elected.
24th February 2886
New wing of the building opened.
First guest speakers invited to debates.
Lent 1905
John Maynard Keynes is President.
26th May 1910
President Theodore Roosevelt visits the Union.
Union votes against admitting female members 127 - 63.
8th May 1914
Election of officers suspended for First World War.
13th February 1915
Union's 100th anniversary passes unmarked.
February 1919
Debates and elections resume.
Michaelmas 1919
Highest division recorded in a Union debate (1003 members).
Lent 1920
Winston Churchill speaks in a debate.
15th November 1921
Belated celebrations for the Union's centenary held with future King George VI.
Michaelmas 1925
First Labour Party supporting President elected.
Easter 1931
Women guests permitted inside the Union for meals.
Lent 1933
'This House prefers facism to socialism' defeated 335 - 218.
Substantial redecoration of the Union building; library moved upstairs.
Easter 1936
Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, visits the Union.
Lent 1939
Floor debate and 'points of information' introduced to debates.
October 1939
Election of officers suspended for Second World War; RAF comandeer building.
28th July 1942
Union hit by Luftwaffe bombs; three people killed.
28th-31st March 1944
Union commandeered by the army for D-Day planning.
October 1944
Elections resume; RAF cease use of the building.
11th June 1946
First female guest speakers (Lady Bonham Carter and Viscountess Davidson MP).
Easter 1950
First televised Union debate (from Alexandra Palace).
May Week 1950
Cambridge Union vs. Oxford Union boat race on the river Cam.
23rd April 1955
A separate Women's Union Society holds its first debate.
24th April 1953
Recollections of the Cambridge Union, 1815-1939 by Percy Cradock Published.
Lent 1958
Jennifer Platt (Newnham) becomes the first female student to speak in a debate.
The 'Cambridge Mafia' - Leon Brittan, John Gummer, Michael Howard, Ken Clarke and Norman Lamont - all President.
4th November 1963
The Union votes to admit women 499 - 180.
Michaelmas 1964
Sheena Matheson (Girton) first woman on Standing Committee.
13th February 1965
Union's 150th anniversary celebrated with a dinner and debate.
Michaelmas 1967
Ann Mallalieu (Newnham) first female President.
12th May 1970
HRH The Prince of Wales (later HM King Charles III) makes his maiden speech at the Union.
May Week 1975
Union chamber damaged by fire; substantial repairs needed.
25th February 1978
Footlights move into the Union Cellars.
Michaelmas 1981
The Union becomes a registered charity.
28th November 1981
Celebratory feast held at King's to mark the Union's 500th term.
March 1990
Disco held to mark the Union's 175th anniversary.
October 1990
175th anniversary dinner held at The Savoy Hotel.
5th December 1990
President Ronald Reagan speaks at the Union.
Easter 1993
HH The 14th Dalai Lama visits the Union.
January 2003
Union wins the World Debating Championship in Stellensbosch, South Africa.
First academic year with three successive female Presidents.
7th February 2015
200th anniversary debate.
The Orator, the Union's public bar and restaurant opens.
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